Web Design and Development Services and Packages


Content & UX

Images and Video

Building Confidence

Social Media

Oso Creative provide a range of web services, available as stand alone, as part of your website build or included in a website package.

SEO (Search Engine Optimisation)

Search engines such as Google, Bing and Yahoo have primary search results. Web pages and other content such as videos and local listings are displayed and ranked. Ranking position is based on what the search engine considers most relevant to users as it crawls through documents and looks for keywords, URLs, sitemaps, title tags and alt atributes.

Payment isn’t involved, as it is with paid search ads such as Google Ad Words.

Google is the dominating search engine and they don’t reveal their algorithm, which is constantly changing. There is no one magic formula to a websites ranking success, instead results can be influenced by several factors. (it’s worth noting that bad practice and cheating is also penalised!)

SEO success factors influencing a websites success can include:


Useful, meaningful and quality written content that answers questions.

Substantial, unique and high quality content including images.

A responsive site that performs well across mobile and other devices.

Research, quality and placement of keywords, search terms and phrases.

On page SEO.

SSL certification and using HTTPS to provide a secure connection for users.

Good SEO practices, implemented throughout the site.

Internal and external links (to quality and trusted sources).

History, reputation and operation of the site.

User experience and behaviour.

Locality, social and shares.

Load speed.


High quality content can help to improve ranking results but perhaps more importantly the experience of your users and success of your site. Content can include case studies, projects, blogs and customer feedback and of course includes written and visual content.

The key includes creating content that:


Is created primarily for users, not search engines.

Doesn’t try to deceive or trick users.

Is original, unique, valuable and engaging (try to be more valuable and useful than other sites).

Shows your credibility and includes links and testimonials.

Is not duplicated, from other sites and between your own pages..

Features images and other graphics including infographics and video.

Is interactive and engaging.

UX (User Experience)

There is no one definition for this and it is a concept with many aspects. In terms of UX design for web, it is a process of creating a website that enhances the users’ experience, allowing them to find value in the experience. A website should be easy to use and pleasant to interact with.

Aspects of UX include


Visual design, typography and functionality.

Considering what the users experience will be like.

Understanding, anticipating and fulfilling the needs of the user and your business.

Asking how people will use the website, what will it do for them and how will it add value and provide solutions?

Generating positive emotions and actions.

Making a site that is accessible and interactive.

Understanding your audience and customers and validate with real customer feedback.

Images and Video

Video, blogs, photographs, animations and infographics are some of the content that can be added to your site. They help to break up written content, enhance the design, showcase products and services and amongst other things helps to keep your site fresh and current.

What else can adding video and images achieve?


Can help to attract and keep visitors returning to your website.

Helps you to be noticed and stand out from other websites and businesses.

Delivers and converys a message quickly, in a way that is easy to digest.

Strengthens your overall message or a particular product or service.

Focusses the users attention and actively engages them.

Can be memorable, entertaining and fun.

Helps to reflect the personality and ethics of you and your company.

Allows you to reach out to more users.

Building Confidence

It is so important that your website builds user confidence in your brand and company and encourages visitors to take action by contacting you, making a purchase or simply in returning to your site in the future.

As well as all of the things above, you can help to build confidence by:


Demonstrating a high level of expertise and knowledge.

Providing a satisfactory amount of high quality, meaningful main content.

Demonstrating ownership and responsibility of the website and including policies and terms and conditions.

Have a secure website.

Quickly create a positive impression.

Include testimonials, case studies and links to social media.

Provide your business information and tell people about you and your company.

Include your awards, certifications and guarantees.

Social Media

As a marketing and networking strategy, Social Media is a very cost effective tool, with most platforms allowing users to sign up and create profiles for free. Social media is evolving and advancing all the time and seems set to remain part of our culture. It can seem daunting though and we are probably all aware of it being abused or used negatively, sometimes with detrimental or long term consequences. However, there are also many positves and if used properly and safely can have beneficial results for businesses.

How can businesses utilise and take advantage of its many benefits?


Generate exposure and increase your brand awareness.

Increase your inbound traffic and create gateways to your website.

Aquire new users and customers and develop an understanding of who they are.

Allow more people to organically reach your business.

Appeal to, reach and connect with a wider demographic.

Improve your search engine rankings.

Create leads and increase conversion rates.

Network, create a voice for your company and interact in a personable way.

Increase credibility, improve your brand loyalty and build trust.

Share your expertise and become and influencer.

Market your business from anywhere at any time.

Users can market for you through likes and shares.

If you have read through the above and have made it to this point! You’ve probably realised that there are many elements to creating a successful website. Also, that the key areas we’ve discussed above, overlap and interlink and that one may not work to its full potential without another.

We are happy to work with you decide what is most important to you and your business, what you would like to prioritise and where you would like to focus time and resources.